Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The ways increase Adsense Earning

he ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so. Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Adsense earnings. 1. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage. 2. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site. 3. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings. 4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site. 5. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as “adsense text”, and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website. These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites. It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already. Note also that there are many other Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every clickthrough that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Adsense something that people will definitely click on. Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring. If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself. For more information on how to find the Start Small Business try visiting Small Business Start located at http://Small-Business-Start.com where you will find valuable information on internet marketing, making money and other information.. sourch : www.selfseo.com

source from http://www.bisnis-online.web44.net/5-ways-to-increase-a34.html

Online Promotion

To solve this problem you have to adopt certain strategies that can bring traffic to your website. The best way to get about is to plan out an offline promotion strategy right from the beginning. Offline Promotion can bring you substantial traffic and help you keep your morale up till you start generating regular traffic from the Search Engines and other online promotion strategies. Word of mouth: Word of mouth is considered to be one of the best forms of advertising your business, products and services. Pass the word around about your Online Business to your friends, acquaintances. Unique and quality products and services will soon be taken note of, appreciated and promoted by word of mouth. Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon.com places great importance to this mode of offline promotion. He says "If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful." He should know! Business Cards: Most entrepreneurs who are new to business do not realize the importance and effectiveness of a business card. A business card immediately projects your business image and credibility. Seize the opportunity and exchange cards with friends and acquaintances at parties, seminars, conferences, trade fairs, clubs and other functions. They can be your future customers or they could recommend your business to their friends. Stationery: Put your URL on all printed material that goes out of your office such as envelopes, faxes, invoices, labels and letterheads. You could even print special offers on envelopes that you send out. They all add up to a huge number and collectively can promote your business offline. Flyers: Distributing Flyers is an inexpensive method of promoting your Online Business. These are cheap to produce and in fact can be produced by you in the computer. Provide all the details of your business as briefly as possible and especially your URL. You can leave them at libraries, community centers, stores and other places where people gather. These can also be distributed door to door. Brochures: Brochures are well known promotional tools. A well designed attractive brochure can capture the heart of many a potential customer. The URL should be displayed prominently. This can be handed out to potential customers and also placed in clubs, bars, supermarkets and libraries. Automobiles: Placing bumper stickers or magnetic signs on your vehicles is an inexpensive way of promoting your online business, Offline. Prominently displaying your URL and phone number to be noticed and remembered by thousands of people everyday is the secret of Success. Newspapers and Magazines: Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines are a great way of promoting your business. It could be costly for some of the new entrepreneurs, but you could start off by placing small classified Ads. in the local newspapers. You could move on to the more popular newspapers once you have established your business. Radio: An effective but expensive way of promoting your business is to advertise over the radio. The advantage is that your message will reach millions of people nation wide. The disadvantage is that most new entrepreneurs will find this mode of promotion beyond their means. Television: Advertising on the TV. is one of the most expensive ways of promoting your business. There are certain local channels that are not very costly. The advantage of TV advertisements is that you can project a powerful image and your potential customers would get the impression straightaway that yours is a successful business. Conclusion: The success of these Offline promotion strategies depends on how well you plan and implement them. These Offline strategies should be put in place the very moment your business goes Online so that they will collectively generate substantial traffic that will keep you happy till your Online promotion methods start working and thereafter too.

source from http://www.bisnis-online.web44.net/offline-promotion-tips-that-a38.html